Forum Discussion

thetim37889's avatar
9 years ago

Cash for turtles?

thetim37889 wrote:
I just played the chili turtle game andngot awarded $1350 instead of pills, did something change?

  • however they still have a chance of awarding a bonus prize so there is still a reason to play.

    But yeah no more pill payouts i need those pills man....

    However it was most effective in a smaller town instead of a bigger one so i have mixed feelings about the whole thing
  • The last two times I played, I received cash and two walls. Wishing that they would add a chance for a donut.
  • ikr! laaaaaaaame
    had no idea it was temporary and was going to hit it hard after the event... oh well
    at least we didn't have to spend donuts on it :D
  • I was disappointed by this development; had no idea that the pill payout was going to be a temporary situation.