8 years ago
Christmas 2017.
I know it's a few months off but the developers might be looking for ideas... I think some retro Christmas items would be cool. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.aEIoQ1-isHWElOs7jr6BkwDJEs&w=...
"someonewashere;c-1679387" wrote:"sjsebayacc131;c-1679381" wrote:"someonewashere;c-1679330" wrote:"bluntcard;c-1679108" wrote:
I like it.
Listen, we need to talk.
Only one case of Retro is allowed to be opened at any given time, and the case of Retro that NEEDS to be opened is found circa 1988.
Thank you for your consideration.
Why is that woman wearing her sleeping clothes and heels when everyone else is fully clothed?
Because it's Weird and it's Science.