Forum Discussion

barryriddl474's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
11 years ago

Claus Co spotlights

Probably since it was Spied on. The animation goes on while the camera is activated, and even deactivated. But once you either close out, visit friends, or go to Krustyland, the animation turns off.

5 Replies

  • barryriddl474 wrote:
    I searched the forum and looked at google images, as well as looked at "what has changed with this update" on other sites, but have seen no mention of this anywhere.
    My Claus Co spotlights, at the base of the structure, are now working.

    Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but as I said, I searched before posting, so don't blame me... Blame the search engine ;)

    ***** Now, they are off. Strange. Was going to snap a pic, but they are off now, and game is locking up/force closing constantly.
    Oh well.

    Did it have a pyramid? LOTS of buildings have awesome animations with this event, after a neighbor taps them.

    I read that the animation continues until you leave your SF ... Not sure though.

  • barryriddl474's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    11 years ago
    I did not see a pyramid on it, but the spotlights were all working and the vertical Claus Co sign was working as well. I tapped the building, just to see if someone was in there doing a task (I've never seen this building have tasks), but it was in full animation mode, then game crashed.

    Thanks for the replies!
  • barryriddl474's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    11 years ago
    neuroheart wrote:

    Thank you, neuroheart. I know most people say, if there is no pic, it didn't happen. :)
  • barryriddl474 wrote:
    Thank you, neuroheart. I know most people say, if there is no pic, it didn't happen. :)

    Hah! That should only be for stuff you can't view yourself. Anyone could go spy on Clausco and see it light up!

    But I did think it was neat, so I took a shot of it. :)