Forum Discussion

RenegadeMoose's avatar
12 years ago

Consumerism at 4.5 Stars

I'm in the same spot and I already have 3 Kwik-e-Marts and don't really want to buy the ferris wheel until my boardwalk is finished. I just caved and started building another Kwik-e-Mart.

3 Replies

  • peteriscoo69 wrote:
    I'm in the same spot and I already have 3 Kwik-e-Marts and don't really want to buy the ferris wheel until my boardwalk is finished. I just caved and started building another Kwik-e-Mart.

    I have the ferris wheel and really don't want two of them. I bought all the boardwalk items and my Squidport is looking very cramped since I refuse to speed up tiles... :P
  • peteriscoo69 wrote:
    I'm in the same spot and I already have 3 Kwik-e-Marts and don't really want to buy the ferris wheel until my boardwalk is finished. I just caved and started building another Kwik-e-Mart.

    Right there with ya. In fact, I'm looking to place the Basketball Game before the Ferris Wheel. I should have enough tiles for both by next Sunday night (also refuse to speed tiles; need Donuts for Premiums).
  • I was hoping I missed a building that counted. I thought the basketball game counted as well.