"SITHPLAGUE;d-163359" wrote:
Im wondering how viable sion is at 3 star? My current arena team is double zeta palp vader shore zhrawn (eb n flow) zarkin (unique) all 7 star g12. Was considering leveling and gearing sion to replace the beast that is tarkin but need to know if hes viable at 3 star
I use him with Palp zeta lead, Vader Nihilus Thrawn.
I feel he is too squishy for being a Tank.
Once he got one shot from 100%health no protection by Wedge, who also had Pain (so 100% defense for Sion)
Many times he dies before I can really use him.
Not a bad character to use (relatively good on 3*) but nowdays Tanks have little role beyond just being a meat wall.
You would probably need a second tank as well, I usually fall ~20 place (120-> 140), but it has also happened that I fell 100+ overnight.