Forum Discussion

22 Replies

  • ThatPersonsID wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    Neglecterino wrote:
    I wanted her more than the Pumpkin.

    As for the supposed grossness factor; imagine what aliens might think about us drinking mother's milk. :)

    Or the milk of other animal :mrgreen:

    There's nothing wrong with dog's milk. Full of vitamins Full of marrowbone jelly. Lasts longer than any other knd of milk, dog's milk. Because nobody will drink it.
    Plus, the other thng about dog's milk, is when it goes off it tastes the same as when its fresh.

    (Only a particularly nerdy few will recognise the above paraphrasing.)

    Really? We're going there? That IS nerdy indeed

    And that I knew it says a lot, yes, I know
  • ThatPersonsID wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    Neglecterino wrote:
    I wanted her more than the Pumpkin.

    As for the supposed grossness factor; imagine what aliens might think about us drinking mother's milk. :)

    Or the milk of other animal :mrgreen:

    There's nothing wrong with dog's milk. Full of vitamins Full of marrowbone jelly. Lasts longer than any other knd of milk, dog's milk. Because nobody will drink it.
    Plus, the other thng about dog's milk, is when it goes off it tastes the same as when its fresh.

    (Only a particularly nerdy few will recognise the above paraphrasing.)

    That quote just made me smile. I'm a nerd that recognises it. Love that show.