Forum Discussion

urlaub694's avatar
11 years ago

Do you need the Lincoln Memorial?

No, you don't need it.
  • If you already have Abe, it kicks off a funny exchange between Abe and Lisa.

    Otherwise, it's a nice decoration, and unique, and time-limited, and for cash not donuts, so I'd say get it.
  • It gives Abe a new unique one-time quest.

    But all you need to kick off Abe's quest line is buying Abe & his Cabin.
  • For those of you wondering, the Abe Statue is Unique. Meaning you can only buy one. I was kinda bummed, I wanted two :cry:
  • jukan00's avatar
    New Spectator
    I think it's great and would gladly pay that much for something similar when level 43 comes out instead of a bulky building.
  • direwolf987 wrote:
    For those of you wondering, the Abe Statue is Unique. Meaning you can only buy one. I was kinda bummed, I wanted two :cry:

    Same here. Wanted to decorate with a few.
  • MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:
    direwolf987 wrote:
    For those of you wondering, the Abe Statue is Unique. Meaning you can only buy one. I was kinda bummed, I wanted two :cry:

    Same here. Wanted to decorate with a few.

    I think D.C. only has the one memorial :lol: