Forum Discussion

EvaMohlin's avatar
10 years ago

Does it matter which balloons you pop in KL?

Pretty sure it doesn't matter.
  • I've wonderd too, but seem to do better when I pick the colors that appeal to me which happen to be the pink and blues. I think of them as gum ball flavored I would like the best and say pretty pretty pretty as I pop. Seriously I do. When I don't follow my normal pattern, thought process I always seem to earn less. Good luck! Your mileage may vary.
  • probaly not, computers, (this includes your android and expensive I.O.S devices) randomsize things by like a 00000.999th of a second, so its not WHAT you pop but WHEN you pop however humans dont have the copasidy to click the button at the right millionth of a second, i always had an idea of useing some sort of bot that dose it at the right millionth second, the same works for homer buddas and mystery boxes, so if you are getting crap from those try changeing the speed of when you open them