Forum Discussion

Grumpstown's avatar
9 years ago

maggies balloon

Nice! Thanks for this, I was actually wondering about the origin of the balloon travels.
  • I have played Maggie's balloon 4 times now and although I can find her easily within the given time when I click in her it doesn't work. Has anyone else had the same problems? It's annoying as it's costing me donuts!!
  • Don't know if this works for you.

    But I have been tapping the ground layer of the building she is 'hiding' on.
    Tapping Maggie directly doesn't seem to work very often.
    Just tap like when editing and you need to select the base of a building.

    Seems that she becomes part of the intire building structure.
    Which would make sense animation and programming wise.
  • I tap the front door and have no problem. I do zoom in a bit first, but not max.

    Good luck.
  • jukan00's avatar
    New Spectator
    It's also in reference to the 1956 French movie, "The Red Balloon".
    Great short film, about 30 minutes. If you get a chance check it out, it used to be on Netflix even.
    When I was in 1st grade they used to show it to us like every month for some reason.
  • I could not tap her either. So now I have to wait another day before testing the front door idea. :(
  • Protip: don't tap on Maggie, tap on the base of the building she's hiding on. Doing this and I've never failed and getting the win in this game.
  • I remember Maggie using the balloon from the Simpsons but I couldn't place the episode, I knew I had seen it before on the show.
  • Watch the video closely as I tap. I don't tap on Maggie, I tap the building she's on top of: