Forum Discussion

stanloi's avatar
2 years ago

Event store items

I started playing in June. I don’t spend money on the game and happy just playing when I can in between work and family.

My question is, how often to items from an event store come back around.
For example this event, i think during one of the weeks I can buy the mirrored house with Marge. If I didn’t buy it, reckon it will come back around another time?

I’m a level 60. I have 190 donuts and 55% xp bonus. There’s probably a couple of things I would have liked but won’t have enough donuts. I’m probably best also spending my donuts on things to increase xp bonus at this stage as well.
  • bluntcard's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Almost everything will return at some point because if EA can make money from it they will find a way. It will be in a mystery box of some kind most likely. There's a very good chance it will return. It also adds to the fun and anticipation to finally acquire something you have wanted for awhile! Even cash only items return at some point in a mystery box. If they can resell it, they will!
  • Cheers for the response. The sensible me thinks with only 190 donuts I shouldn’t spend them and concentrate on getting my bonus up etc
  • I’m starting to bulk out my Springfield heights now. Currently on 70%. Really enjoying the game. Why I never played it when it came out i have no idea
  • Unfortunately no one apart from EA know, some items return quite frequently others rarely, the odd item has never returned, as to time frame for returning items it could be with the next event or maybe 2 years from now I'm sorry to say.
  • Ive seen almost all the premiums I couldnt afford, come back around. But there's plenty things ive seen in other towns, that still have not. Tho sometimes there's bundles, and if you have one piece you may not be able to get the rest of the bundle so u miss those other pieces. This is why I have no staircases for my Krusty monorail station, for example. Increasing bonus does helps obtain more premiums on their release day. Get up to about 300% asap
  • I got a jaded with the game after being hit with the 'Glitch' three times and loosing several items due to roll backs that I walked away from the game for around 18 months, I returned about 3 years ago and there's multiple items that haven't returned from the events I missed, hopefully one day they'll all return.