Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
10 years ago

Farmers Market - crafted at last

Congrats, Neighboreeno! :thumbup:
  • Raven_Darkstorm wrote:
    I'm at research 19 and squirter 12 and have a average per day of 1,405 fertilizer, 562 corn, and 670 dna. During act 1 I had an average of 931 fertilizer per day. About 25% less than needed to get FM in act 1. Even adjusting for the two days I missed I still would have been 20% short per day. And 10% shy of the total possible I calculated. Some how I came up 6 fertilizer per day short.

    For Act 2 only:

    That doesn't make sense. To get 2,637 (total of all types) at L12 sprayer (payout =16 per Bob Mutant), you'd only be tapping 165 Bob's per day (max!!). That also leaves out anything for tasks.

    I'd ignore your "average" and just work out what your current total is per day. As you level up the Sprayer, it ramps up VERY fast. (I went from 4 per BM, to 13 -> 16 -> 21 -> 25 in just 4 days. Kind of kills the average!!)

    From BM's alone:

    *Tapping < every 3.5hrs:
    - L11-L12 - 3520 currency (15hr day, inc 40 max BM from overnight)
    - L13-L14 - 4620 currency (15hr day, inc 40 max BM from overnight)
    - L15+ - 5500 currency (15hr day, inc 40 max BM from overnight)
    Plus all your character tasks, Cecil tasks etc.

    *Tapping > every 3.5hrs (40 BM max in town per check-in):
    - L11-L12 sprayer - 2560 (5 check-ins per day), 2560 (4 check-ins), 1920 (3 check-ins)
    - L13-L14 sprayer - 4200 (5 check-ins per day), 3360 (4 check-ins), 2520 (3 check-ins)
    - L15+ sprayer - 5000 (5 check-ins per day), 4000 (4 check-ins), 3000 (3 check-ins)
    Plus all your character tasks, Cecil tasks etc.

    If you take >50% fertiliser drop (I reckon it's 60-65% personally), that's still a min of 1500-2500 fertiliser per day (plus tasks, Cecil etc.) per day.

    Personally I earned 4563 fert, 2514 corn & 1688 DNA yesterday alone (8765 total), and that was at Sprayer L14. Now at L15 so can expect another 300 or so each extra (880 for the day).
  • Going to also take the opportunity to brag; and to plug the 'upgrade first' strategy. During Phase 1, i upgraded to Level 7, and made it to about 14,000 fertilizer by the day that phase 2 started (two weeks after Phase 1). I immediately upgraded my building to level 17.

    After upgrading, it took me less than 1 week to get back to 14000 fertilizer and buy the Farmers Market yesterday (April 27 - May 3). I also upgraded the squirter to level 8, which added to it.

    So, Two weeks to get to 14,000 fertilizer before upgrading to 17, and before having the squirter at all
    6 days to get to 14,000 fertilizer after upgrading to 17, and squrter level 8

  • Linkwick wrote:

    For Act 2 only:

    That doesn't make sense. To get 2,637 (total of all types) at L12 sprayer (payout =16 per Bob Mutant), you'd only be tapping 165 Bob's per day (max!!). That also leaves out anything for tasks.

    I was calculating the average based on the total time since event start. To respective date for the two relevant dates for getting the FM. I can only figure those that crafted it at the point of the past posts in this thread got lucky or took advantage of the "glitch" that most of us did not know about. How much I get per day now is sure to be much higher than the average. I simply used the average as a measure to make sure I'm on track to be able to get everything by the end of the event. This event is really strange in that we are meant to upgrade everything first and wait it out to the near end of the event to actually craft anything. So one could easily miss out on stuff unless they pay close attention to the rate of gain for each of the materials needed to craft all the stuff. This us due to the overlap of each category of character having more than one material they can earn. One could easily over do one material and not have enough time to get one of the others as a result I would think.