Forum Discussion

SAMCRO-0666's avatar
12 years ago

Favourite character and job?

Think one of my favs is Dr Hibbert performing Surgery outdoors :mrgreen:


Hank - Flamethrower
Burn & Smithers - Cycling the Bike
Bart - Skateboarding is cool (although dont do that task very often)
Devil Flanders - Show my Wrath

This is for the moment :lol:
  • froseley wrote:
    I think my faves would have to be:
    Moe-spying on midge
    Bart & Kang- E.T style bike riding
    Hibbert-outdoor surgery
    My daughter fav-Smithers-whipping it

    Quick question, where did plow homer come from & I've seen a homer with a nuclear suit carrying a rod of plutonium, where did that one come from?

    A skin during the winter update. Many people didn't want him because it wasn't a new character and it was 90 donuts. I'm glad I got him. I think he's funny. I like his task where he shakes his butt and mimes (cause he doesn't actually sing) the Mr. Plow song.
  • kelekod wrote:

    I really hate how Apu has like no difference in tasks.

    I have him constantly on his 24 hour task because it annoys me so much that he does pretty much nothing. Surely they could have given him something interesting outdoors other than a 60 min feed babies.
  • I think my favorite quest/animation was at Halloween - having Homer run from the talking Krusty doll. I'm kind of sad that we can't continue to do these holiday quests. Some of the buildings and characters had great animations and the variety is nice and keeps it from being so boring/repetitive.

    I don't see why they don't leave them in the game. Especially since the buildings are there - there just doesn't seem to be a reason why they can't be available. There are so many characters that don't have very interesting quests - such as Lisa (I like the ones outdoors obviously). I loved her making snow angels.

    Not to mention it doesn't seem like it would be so difficult to add some voice clips to characters that don't have any.

    I think my favorites at this point are Hibbert doing surgery outdoors, Ralph eating a crayon sandwich, Wiggum going on a stake out. The fun ones we can actually see! :)
  • Scorpio and the Flamethrower.

    Although I do like combining tasks.

    Quimby give a speech. Mr.Plow sing song (looks like Homer is telling Quimby to kiss his a$$.

    Moleman to provide see security, then Snake to rob Krusty Burger. Looks like Hans is enjoying himself.

  • 1. Smithers - Whip it
    2. Duffman - Promote Duff
    3. Devil Flanders - show wrath
    5. Fat Tony - Get rid of Problem