Forum Discussion

frosted1414's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 years ago

Flyers Flying

Arthur Fortune -- Dollars for everyone
Arnie Pye -- Do traffic report/Do a sky harness interview
Dante Calabresi Jr -- Whack someone
Fairy Kudos -- Flirt with human males
Krusty -- Drive the sleigh
L.T. Smash -- Airdrop doomsday material
Marge -- Drive the greyhound sleigh
Ms. Claws -- Drive the cat sleigh
Norbert -- Fly loops
Princess Jules -- Survey her kingdom
Santa Homer -- Drive Santa's sleigh
Santa's Little Helper -- Lead the greyhound sleigh
Sideshow Mel -- Drive the sleigh
The Rich Texan -- Drive the sleigh
White Witch Burns -- Drive the sleigh

Edit: add The Rich Texan
  • frosted1414's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "gungadinshir;c-2214138" wrote:
    "Surfcitygal;c-2214107" wrote:
    The Sea Captain has a sleigh shaped like a boat and pulled by penguins but I don’t see a task for him to drive it

    Where do you get the Sea Captains Sleigh from please?

    It was a Christmas 2020 prize. Likely to return in some future mystery box.
  • I have the greyhound sleigh, but all I get when I try to send Santa's little helper to pull it is a message at the end of his task list, logic wrapper something and it's greyed out.