Forum Discussion

gregrose1993's avatar
9 years ago

Free speed ups..

Free speed ups apply to character jobs - not for crafting tasks/building collection. It does occur when the task is 90% complete. Easiest way to use is with the job manager in the unemployment building to rush all the same length jobs (provided they started at same time) for 0 donuts at the same time - still have to collect individually but it goes very quickly.

10 Replies

  • kymagirl wrote:
    Free speed ups apply to character jobs - not for crafting tasks/building collection. It does occur when the task is 90% complete. Easiest way to use is with the job manager in the unemployment building to rush all the same length jobs (provided they started at same time) for 0 donuts at the same time - still have to collect individually but it goes very quickly.

    Ooh, didn't know you could rush them with the job manager. Great info!

  • kymagirl wrote:
    It does occur when the task is 90% complete.

    Except for the 24 or longer jobs. I still haven't figured out exactly when you can rush them for free.

    Here's the breakdown:

    1 hour - 6 minutes
    2 hours - 12 minuites
    3 hours - 18
    4 hours - 24 (I rush those a lot)
    5 hours - 30
    6 hours - 36
    7 hours - 42
    8 hours - 48
    9 hours - 54
    10 hours - 1 hour
    11 hours - 66 minutes
    12 hours - 72
    24 hours - ? It should be 2 hours 24 minutes by the 10% rule, but it's not. I've had several 24 hour tasks I tried to rush at 2h 24m but couldn't.

    You can rush with the Job Manaager!?!?!?!?!?!? Oh! My! (Insert deity of choice here)! I've been hunting all over my town for my characters every 4 hours for nothing...
  • The trick to getting the job manager to work with this is
      all the characters have to be on a task - no one can be waiting for something to doall the characters for a given time task have to be at the same level of time left - so if you have a bunch on 4 hour tasks, all have to be 24 minutes or less left

    I use the 4 hour tasks most of the time too - 8 hours for late night/overnight & occasional 12 hours when I know I'm going to be really busy.

    I have to confess that I almost never use the 24 hour task & have no idea what the timeframe is for the free speed up.
  • I knew you could speed up tasks, but I didn't realize that you could decrease the time that much. I will have to start doing this.
  • Great tip about the job manager! Im glad I'm not the only one who was doing it the hard way.
  • 00becker wrote:
    I've rushed the 24-hour tasks at 1 hr and change, so if it's less than 2 hrs 24 mins and more than 1 hour, I'd guess it's 2 hours or 10%, whichever is less.
    Yes, it's 2h 0s or 10%, whichever is less. Still 2h even for a 7d job.
  • Is this only for the tasks that have the person icon next to them? The icon looks like a person with his limbs spread out.
    If not, what is the purpose of that icon?
  • battlefieldID194 wrote:
    Is this only for the tasks that have the person icon next to them? The icon looks like a person with his limbs spread out.
    If not, what is the purpose of that icon?

    That icon designates a visible task.

    The rushing applies to all character tasks that pay out money. So not the Crazes, Heights crafting, Railyard, etc. Just the character tasks that pay out money.
  • wadebear wrote:
    Here's a chart I made. I think it's all correct.

    Just a minor clarification, it seems that the 24h rush is available at 1:59, not 2:00. I think this may be the case for all (the time must be LESS than the table above)