Forum Discussion

4kidsandacatdog's avatar
10 years ago

Friend visit weirdness

It still says 6 when I scroll through my neighbours town icons, there hasn't been an update recently? I'm on an ipad, there was a small android update recently though I think.
  • i havent noticed anything on mine, althugh i had some say 3 task instead of six becuase ive been tapping and if cant find criminals for so long ill just forget it and switch to next town.
  • NickiElliott wrote:
    It still says 6 when I scroll through my neighbours town icons, there hasn't been an update recently? I'm on an ipad, there was a small android update recently though I think.

    Yes, I forgot that there wasn't an iOS update, only Android. I'm an Android user.
  • 4kidsandacatdog wrote:
    I just started my friend visits for today and noticed something. When you go to individual towns, you still have the "3 criminals, 3 crime reports" tasks, and on the initial 30 or so visits both give pies like normal.

    BUT, when you go to the screen where you can scroll through your neighbor's town icons, it says only 3 tasks per town. I noticed this because before the update yesterday they said 6 per town. I wonder if this was meant to change or if it was accidental with the update?

    Not a huge deal because it really hasn't changed the mechanics of the neighbor visits but hopefully no one will go to that screen and start to flip out because their actions have been halved!

    Ok so this is complex but as far as I can figure, if you visit town A at noon today and town A at noon tomorrow, the neighbor list screen will sometimes show 3 actions available but once you are in the town it'll show you 6 actions available (my guess is that the buildings and the criminals both have timers that are used for the 3 or 6 display on the neighbor page but the timers once you are in the town are just based on the building timers (in general, if I were to visit town A at 1205pm the day after tomorrow both timers should be synched as my general tap strategy is buildings first then a few seconds later criminals.)

    Basically I just tap criminals & buildings until I hit the point where it stops paying pies (it's the same neighbor everytime) & then just mostly ignore the criminals so I don't care about the timers.