Forum Discussion

trustal727's avatar
11 years ago

friend visits: no free donuts anymore

First off welcome to the forum! :mrgreen:

I've gone days without getting donuts too, but usually it would only last a day or two, and in some extreme cases three days.

I noticed if I visit friends at the same time every day, I get donuts. I don't know if it's a thing or not but it's been like that for me.

You kinda got the raw end of the deal not getting donuts for so long. I hope you get more soon.
  • I gained 2 free donuts from me friends visits today, so I don't think anything has changed.

    The luck will turn, it's just a bit streaky at times.

    Keep faith and keep tapping :wink:
  • I found one today. I average two donuts over two days. The donuts are still out there.
  • Thanks for your responses.

    It seems that complaining works. Today i already received 4 donuts and i am only halfway through with my friendlist :shock: