Forum Discussion

happyone2323's avatar
9 years ago

Future Bucks

happyone2323 wrote:
I've started earning future bucks, but I can't recall what the dialog stated they were for. Can anyone enlighten me?

I just starting earning them too after I upgraded my printer. I came here seeking the same answer.

3 Replies

  • I believe the bucks are for crafting after the demos. So if you go to the 3d printer the first number cost robot parts and count twords upgrades, after that the dohicky is "in production" and costs future bucks. Or something along those lines.
  • After you get 12 of the first prize (plants) you start using the bucks to get more & after 4 of the lights (2nd prize) you start using them. Etc etc...
  • It's getting late and I've been tapping for hours.... but if my brain is still working I understand it to mean that once we complete building all demos, we'll use future bucks as a crafting currency.