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LPNintendoITA's avatar
6 years ago

Game of Games: Wild Wild Quest Walkthrough

Involved characters: Homer, Lisa, Bart, Milhouse, Martin, Nelson, Ralph, Marge, Sophie Krustofsky, Blocko Angelica Button

Game of Games Pt. 3

Auto starts

Homer: Comic Book Guy, I need tickets to E4. I know you must have some, because you’re so uncool.
Comic Book Guy: Incredibly rude way to ask for a favor.
Comic Book Guy: Still, one of the nicest things anyone has said to me today.
Homer: So can you get me the tickets or not?
Comic Book Guy: Perhaps. But first you have to listen to my fresh take on every Marvel movie ever.

Task: Make Homer Sleep Through Somewhat Obvious Takes
Time: 6s
Location: Android's Dungeon or Brown House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Wild Wild Quest Pt. 1

Auto starts

Bart: It's almost time for the Evergreen Terrors to play their first ematch.
Sophie Krustofsky: Ready to crush skulls!
Nelson: And break bones!
Milhouse: And talk delicious smack.
Martin: I shall enfilade them with a bevy of verbal Prince-bombs!
Bart: You would, except we’re turning off your mic.

Task: Reach Level 8 and Build Van Houten House
Task: Collect Game Cartridges
Task: Make Evergreen Terrors Compete in Qualifying Match
Time: 4h
Location: Android's Dungeon or Brown House
Characters: Bart, Sophie Krustofsky, Nelson, Milhouse, Martin
Task: Make Lisa Cheer on Evergreen Terrors
Time: 4h
Location: Android's Dungeon or Brown House

Bart: Martin, you gotta stay focused. You almost cost us the match!
Martin: …
Nelson: Someone turn on his stupid mic.
Martin: I'm sorry, I guess my mind was just on something else.
Sophie Krustofsky: How is that even possible?
Sophie Krustofsky: It’s a video game. It’s designed to addict you so hard you have no brain left for anything else.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Wild Wild Quest Pt. 2

Auto starts

Bart: Martin, why did you call a six AM team meeting?
Milhouse: I get nosebleeds if my spongy nasal tissues don’t have a good night’s rest.
Martin: I want to tell you that I got into the Mapple intern program, so I quit! *runs away*
Bart: I feel like I should worry about this situation but all I can think about is how funny Martin runs.

Task: Reach Level 12 and Build Springfield Library
Task: Collect Game Cartridges
Task: Make Martin Intern at Mapple HQ
Time: 4h
Location: Mapple HQ

Milhouse: Whoa! It's Buck McCoy! The washed-up alcoholic star of old Westerns!
Buck McCoy: Don’t exaggerate. I was never a star.
Buck McCoy: Congratulations on making it to round two of the tournament.
Bart: Thanks, Buck! What game are we playing for the second round?
Buck McCoy: Well, I’m not supposed to tell you, but I’m pretty drunk, so what the hey.
Buck McCoy: You're going to be playing my very own, McTrigger: The Game 2!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Wild Wild Quest Pt. 3

Auto starts

Milhouse: We're going to get disqualified if we don't find a replacement for Martin!
Nelson: Yeah, that stupid McTrigger online doesn't let you play without a full posse.
Krustcraft Krusty: Say no more, Dad of the Year is here to save the day!
Sophie Krustofsky: Dad, no. And what the heck are you wearing? You look ridiculous.
Krustcraft Krusty: This is a gaming convention right? So I'm cosplaying.
Sophie Krustofsky: Dad, you're old.
Krustcraft Krusty: At least she didn’t say “really old”.

Task: Collect Game Cartridges
Task: Reach Level 12 and Place Bart's Treehouse
Task: Make Bart Search for a New Teammate
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House
Task: Make Milhouse Search for a New Teammate
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House
If the user has Nelson: Task: Make Nelson Search for a New Teammate
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House
If the user has Sophie Krustofsky: Task: Make Sophie be Embarrassed by Her Dad
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House

Lisa: Bart, I can be your new teammate. I've studied all your matches and become an expert in your strategy.
Bart: If you’d actually studied our games you’d know we don’t *have* a strategy.
Lisa: How about I just close my eyes and push buttons?
Milhouse: We call that dropping a Milhouse!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Wild Wild Quest Pt. 4

Auto starts

Squeaky Voice Attendant: Evergreen Terrors, time is up. Name your fifth player or you're disqualified.
Bart: Fine. Lisa, you’re in.
Lisa: Yes! The power of nagging triumphs again.

Task: Collect Game Cartridges
Task: Make Lisa be the Fastest Gun in the West
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House
If the user has Sophie Krustofsky: Task: Make Sophie Become a Notorious Outlaw
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House

On job start:
Bart: Milhouse, where are you? It's high noon, and I'm out of bullet time!
Milhouse: I got killed by a noob that's pretending to be a bearded cowboy in black.
Nelson: I'm out too. Got drunk in the saloon. It's all up to you, Lisa and Sophie.

On job end:
Squeaky Voice Attendant: And the Evergreen Terrors win, after a stunning comeback!
Nelson: What kind of boring game is this anyway? It’s all reading.
Buck McCoy: That's because the true way of the cowboy is endless rambling.
Grampa: A man after my own heart!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Wild Wild Quest Pt. 5

Auto starts

Bart: I was wrong, Lisa. You’re not a stinkybutt as a gamer.
Bart: Just as a sister.
Martin: Salutations! I'm playing on the Mapple team. It looks like we're facing off against you and the Evergreen Terrors next.
Martin: By the way, on my team they call me Prince the Punisher.
Nelson: Really? In my playground, they call you Martin the Moaner.

Task: Collect Game Cartridges
Task: Make Evergreen Terrors Compete Against Mapple
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House
Characters: Bart, Sophie Krustofsky, Nelson, Milhouse, Lisa
Task: Make Bart Have a Shootout With Martin
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House
Requires: Martin
Task: Make Martin Betray His Friends
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Springfield Elementary or Brown House

Martin: It seems Mapple doesn't tolerate failure. They fired me for losing the match.
Martin: But that means I can come play with you all again!
Bart: Sorry Martin, but we've already got a full roster of dweebs, nerds and losers.
Bart: By which I mean Lisa.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Wild Wild Quest Outro

Auto starts

Milhouse: Detonator! Are you dead?!
The Detonator: Only to my ex-girlfriends. Why do you ask?
Sophie Krustofsky: You were giving an inspiring speech and then a stack of folding chairs fell on you.
Milhouse: We had to “Weekend At Bernie” your unconscious body as our adult chaperone.
The Detonator: Since I'm awake again, let me teach you kids some tricks from my many years as a pro competitor.

If the user has The Detonator: Task: Make The Detonator Pass the Torch
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Brown House
Task: Make Bart Practice for the Semi-Finals
Time: 4h
Location: E4 Convention Center or Brown House
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

3 Replies

  • Ok did part I. But part II hasn't auto started yet for some reason.

    "LPNintendoITA;d-245078" wrote:
    Involved characters: Homer, Lisa, Bart, Milhouse, Martin, Nelson, Ralph, Marge, Sophie Krustofsky, Blocko Angelica Button

    Wild Wild Quest Pt. 1

    Auto starts

    Bart: It's almost time for the Evergreen Terrors to play their first ematch.
    Sophie Krustofsky: Ready to crush skulls!
    Nelson: And break bones!
    Milhouse: And talk delicious smack.
    Martin: I shall enfilade them with a bevy of verbal Prince-bombs!
    Bart: You would, except we’re turning off your mic.

    Task: Reach Level 8 and Build Van Houten House
    Task: Collect Game Cartridges
    Task: Make Evergreen Terrors Compete in Qualifying Match
    Time: 4h
    Location: Android's Dungeon or Brown House
    Characters: Bart, Sophie Krustofsky, Nelson, Milhouse, Martin
    Task: Make Lisa Cheer on Evergreen Terrors
    Time: 4h
    Location: Android's Dungeon or Brown House

    Bart: Martin, you gotta stay focused. You almost cost us the match!
    Martin: …
    Nelson: Someone turn on his stupid mic.
    Martin: I'm sorry, I guess my mind was just on something else.
    Sophie Krustofsky: How is that even possible?
    Sophie Krustofsky: It’s a video game. It’s designed to addict you so hard you have no brain left for anything else.

  • Keep going to your friends' town area and back to your town a few times and should trigger.