get out of here seriously you hater...
You really don't get the concepts of "public" or "wrong".
This is "public". By saying something here, you invited responses. If you don't like it tfb.
If you have problems with a businesses product, don't use it. Stop playing.
Get a refund. Apple is refunding money spent on this game. Once, for legit reasons. Accidentally speeding something up may not qualify, but never hurts to ask.
To deliberately steal to get "reimbursement" is wrong.
To advocate this practice to others is worse. And depending on where you live, criminal. BTW, Canada has recipricosity laws with the US. Which means EA could exercise their rights, since what you are claiming to have done is theft. Maybe a felony, depending how often you did it.
That you don't get this makes me glad you are in a different country, and sorry for the people a b.u.t.t.head like you encounters daily.
Free tip: if you are going to steal, make it worthwhile, and then keep your mouth shut.