Forum Discussion

spyder1952850's avatar
8 years ago

Getting kicked out of game during friend visits.

I've visited:
Game 1 18 neighbors, got kicked out of game 6 times.
Game 2 36 out 8 times
Game 3 37 , out 11 times.
Game 4 56 , out 15 times
Game 5 (main game) knocked out 8 times visited SEVEN neighbors, had to tap wifi three times in one Springfield! That means I tapped nine different buildings.
This is worse than not acceptable.

18 Replies

  • I only will visit friends in the morning. Hopefully I won't be kicked out *fingers crossed*
  • I just checked and you can get event points in KL. Smaller, so Maybe won't crash. I would try that until they hopefully get a fix on the crashing issues.
  • I keep getting kicked out whenever I try to visit friends also. Very annoying!
    I am getting friends visits, I just can't return the favor.
  • I get this problem with most major events, makes it pretty impractical to visit neighbours. I presume the game is just too demanding for my device... but it only gets worse over time, so I don't really expect a "fix" as such!
  • "IckabodSchrek;1592873" wrote:
    Has anyone tried to see if you can pick up event points at friends KL?

    i was able to go to friend visits this morning, have a few minutes. also able to to go to KL
    now i'm getting the never ending collecting sounds :|
    @IckabodSchrek i did check in my main town, but only had handshakes so far but event is just getting started

  • mystery2mi's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    8 years ago
    "fastshadow2;1592820" wrote:
    "mystery2mi;1592779" wrote:
    @fastshadow2 I visited your town about an hour ago, tapped 2 buildings and crashed on the third. Tried to get the third tap in twice and had to give up. Strangely, it was the only town I crashed in. I will try again tomorrow. :)

    just went into my main town again and had 3 visits from you. i moved the Agency Headquarters to a different spot at the airport area and thought that was why but then had 3 more visits from you (besides the two) that makes 5 for today :o ! when i did that, i cleared other visits and had 6 from 1 neighbor. i watched closely and was shocked to see that the same neighbors name kept coming up.
    guessing a patch coming soon :D

    Visited you again tonight. No problems but there was one weird thing though. Homer kept saying "Heads up, heads up". Maybe your KEM crop was ready? :p
    Other than that, I didn't have any issues at all tonight visiting any neighbors.