9 years ago
Giving up
Osg00d wrote: I've given up This is the 5the event where i never even get the last two prices of every act. As i said this before i have a family and work that take up most off my time (gladly) P...
tralfabits wrote:
I check in at least five or six times a day, and for most of the events since the Terwilliger event it has been a struggle to get the last prize in Act 1. At least Acts 2 and 3 were usually easier.
But for the last few events, even the final prizes for Acts 2 and 3 were a challenge. If it hadn't been for the intentional loss strategy for Superheroes 2, I would have been 0 for 3 there. I still had to pay around 60 donuts for Dr. Crab. For this sci-fi event, it looks like I'm on track for NOT getting any of the final prizes in all three Acts. Not even close.
The events certainly feel to me like they're getting much more difficult. I didn't care about missing out on Sgt. Skinner, but it would have been cool to have President Lisa since I already have Mooch Bart and Rockstar Maggie.