adityahmehta wrote:
Halloween was by far the best holiday event. Followed by christmas. I liked the that we didn't have to squish zombies at a reasonable level (ahem...whacking day) and din't have to save up a million candies for stuff (ahem...Whacking day). The animations were also the coolest with the turning into zombies when getting bitten to the dead trees and pumpkins.
If not the return of the zombies or about a storyline with Burns mansion turning into his Vampire lair and then unleashing vampires throughout the town. When bitten, characters can turn into vampires like they did into zombies.
They should bring back the graveyards for those who missed it last time and can also be the source of zombies. The halloween buildings can be brought back also for cash/donuts but just as regular buildings. However, I would like to see all new buildings and quests that have to do with the vampire storyline...facade for burns mansion, bell tower for where Lisa's vampire boyfriend took her in a more recent Halloween episode.
Decorations from last time should be available as well, with some new ones.
Characters/skins: Vampire Burns, Kodos, Rigilian Maggie to start with. Maybe a task could be to fly around as a bat??
Just a few thoughts...Halloween is by far my favorite holiday, updates, and shows...very excited!!
I started playing immediately after Christmas and have always envied everyone who has the Halloween stuff. I would really like to be able to get the past skins, buildings, and decorations but this vampire idea also sounds really excellent. Here's hoping!