Forum Discussion

tsheckler's avatar
12 years ago

Halloween Quest Progression

Someone mentioned you have to wait a day before the third piece pops us, and I'm pretty sure one of the dialogues mentioned something of the sort. I'm in the same boat as you, 2 pieces and need the rest before any sort of progression to the Halloween buildings.
  • dmorford wrote:
    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's day based like the daily cash prize. It's 1am on Friday here and I just got my third piece. Likely EA is timing this with the THoH episode on Sunday, so you'll get piece 3 on Friday, piece 4 on Saturday, and 5 on Sunday.

    Just received my third peice Friday morning.

  • WillWWhite wrote:
    BlueStarTrish wrote:
    It's not based on the days because as I have stated multiple times there are people that have fully completed all the Halloween quests and collections.

    The people who have completed everything are almost definitely up to some fishy business with hacks of some kind or another, I would wager. This game has way too many time sensitive quests. You can't solve them all in less than a day without either cheating the clock or spending an amazing amount of donuts.

    Exactly. It's pretty clear they want people to watch the show to get the answer to the question. Anyone who has gotten farther than the three pieces is probably cheating. I had a couple swarms of zombies and just got piece 3 this morning . I am betting piece 4 is tomorrow.
  • I've only been playing for 2 hours, got 3 pieces. first two came from zombies, and third i found in my inventory which may have been sent there by accidentally tapping on something else.
  • Samething just happened to me this morning. I had three pieces, then a bunch of zombies came out of the cemetery, and they dropped two pieces. The final peice is yet to come, most likely tomorrow, Sunday the 7th.