Forum Discussion

mandyoramanda's avatar
11 years ago

Has anyone actually won donuts from popping balloons?

They come around every 300 pop or so... I've had 3 lots of donuts from the stall since installing my KL :)
  • It's exactly 100 plays, or 300 balloon pops, to get the 5 donuts. Or was ...

    If you're popping twice a day, that's 50 days between donuts. Just so happens, I took a screen grab of my last donuts - Dec 3 2013.

    50 days from Dec 3 is... Jan 22. It's been almost 100 days since then, and I've not had any more donuts, unless I wasn't paying attention. So perhaps it has gone away :-(
  • I've only gotten donuts once and it was several months ago. Since this and the dog track are both 8 hours, when my dog track is ready and I get the alert, I also go and pop donuts so I am usually able to pop balloons 3 times a day.

    I was starting to question the donuts after 300 pops since I know I have gone past that number with no luck. Of course I would love if they kept that little bonus, but im starting to question if its possible any longer.

    I will still visit and pop the balloons when they are ready just to keep collecting tickets in the off chance they release more to build in KL but I don't send folks there anymore to do tasks since hitting 5 star rating there. I just collect whatever the buildings earn.
  • I've never gotten any even when i was going to kl daily. Now i only go every few days.
  • Once, a very long time ago. But I haven't been popping much since I built the roller coaster.
  • I have gotten donuts twice. The last time was in early January. So I think I am not due for at least another month. I hope thay still do it, it is the only reason I go to KL anymore.