Forum Discussion

anonymous958's avatar
11 years ago

Hey, Neighbor... leave those shields alone!

... all in all I just don't want my houses to fall

  • Who goes to KrustyLand? :lol:

    No, I haven't gone to KL. That's a bummer that the glitch is universal.

    Thanks for the best strategy scenario. It's starting to make a little sense. I've tried to read some strategy, but muddling through conjecture, uninformed opinion and well, it's the internet after all.... Even then, the top posts seem to have a little discrepancy. It's a fun challenge, and it seems multiple good strategies, perhaps not a best strategy.

    The comment about the buildings being ready for another hit is a good one. Hence my comment about house farms. I'm trying to have excess "indolence" for each visitor to have something to hit.

    As to the odds of my neighbors complying, some of my neighbors are... me. Many of my neighbors are top level, long time, very savvy players. So I think as the game progresses and a best strategy gels, most will get on board. If not, well, it's only a game.

    Quick buck or slower, long term investment.... hmmmmm...

    Neglecterino wrote:

    First to your question... No. Because if you and the people visiting you would clear the shields then the buildings would be ready for another hit. With the way it was before this morning, 3 hits on a building defended would get you 30 gold versus the 25 gold won from a random house. And you'd have to wait a long time for that 25 gold, while you don't have to wait at all to defend. And you could defend that same house many times a day. Also it will take longer and longer to win an attack, or use of more nerds. To attack and have it defended cost one nerd. Things are changing though. For many, it is now 5 gold instead of 10 for a defense. Maybe the won attacks will start paying more and that will change the best strategy.

    Second, I don't know anyone who does not have the KL glitch. Are you sure you don't have it. Leave just one house with a shield and visit KL. When you get back is that shield gone?

  • Is it bad that I think of my nerds as "revenge bait"? Really, I just send 1-3 nerds per town in the hopes that they'll come visit my town for revenge in which I then go back to their town for revenge and so on? I never have any expectation that the nerds will finish destroying their castles.

    I feel like this has been somewhat successful for me.