Forum Discussion

lntpbhlnh237's avatar
12 years ago

Hidden items to make one hour jobs!

lntpbhlnh237 wrote:
this might sound weird but i was always curious why kent brockman didn't have a one hour job and i put a lawn chair out haha and now he can relax is there any other items or things you need to make them have one hour jobs.....what gives dr hibbert a one hour job????

Isn't his 1hr job outdoor surgery. You just need the hospital.

18 Replies

  • Don't forget the limo which gave Respectable Moe his (premium) 1 hour task (both limited time).
  • Santas little helper has tasks? Mine from last christmas event just barks and walk around?
  • 4hr Ralph job - Eat Paste (outside)
    60m Tatum task - Punch Rubber Dummy (in Coliseum)
    4hr Farm - Watermelon
  • Maybe I missed it skimming through but did anyone mention no SF 8hr task for lisa but 2 8hr tasks for her in KL?
  • Distracty wrote:
    waylenchoate wrote:
    Maybe I missed it skimming through but did anyone mention no SF 8hr task for lisa but 2 8hr tasks for her in KL?

    She can hang w/college gymnasts for 8 hrs if you have Lugash

    Good call, I'll have to change her skin.
  • i want to build pimento grove for fun cause i have the money does anyone have a job there or task
  • TheLadySimsalot wrote:
    lntpbhlnh237 wrote:
    i want to build pimento grove for fun cause i have the money does anyone have a job there or task

    There's no ongoing task there. I believe there may be one when it's first built, but I've forgotten. I really wish tasks would continue to be available for all buildings.

    Still, I like Pimento Grove because I think it's pretty.

    +1 There is so many ways to decorate it.