Forum Discussion

mtpkp's avatar
11 years ago

How exactly was I helped?

Oh wow. Hopefully this means they are extending the event. Wouldn't make sense to fix a bug with roughly 2 days left in an event.
  • Khodro wrote:
    MTPKP wrote:
    My only real conplaint was that he ended the chat rather abruptly and really did nothing for me.

    Look, I get that the guy was only doing his job and was definitely following a script. My problem was not with him, and yes he was courteous, but rather that this chat that accomplished nothing was the closest I could come to actually voicing a complaint that to say is not uncommon around here would be a tremendous understatement.

    I'm just frustrated that we've been complaining about this problem, we get the option to buy gold eggs, I spend 150 donuts on gold eggs and after opening roughly 30 boxes, from that alone, I'm still lacking Shary Bobbins and Hugs.

    This spending donuts for a chance at content is nonsense.

    What exactly were you expecting from the support? That they just hand over the 2 characters that you're missing?
    You knew what the odds were before buying the gold eggs. Nowhere is it guaranteed that buying the eggs grants you the characters. So you only have yourself to blame. There was nothing left to do for you which is why he ended the chat.

    And you might be offended that he ended it quickly but there are actually other people with real legitimate problems that are waiting in line to get support. People whose towns have been hacked, people who have lost donuts due to glitch, etc. etc.
    He ended your chat because you didn't have a legitimate problem but instead you were just whining and demanding to get your remaining prizes. You were taking his time away from other customers with actual problems. So I think that customer service did the right thing ending your chat session when there was nothing left to say and do.

    What exactly was I expecting? I don't know, a little more than I got I guess. A more concrete answer of who to actually conplain to maybe?

    I'm not especially tech, or even internet savvy,(don't even own a computer, just a smartphone and a tablet) I searched for ten minutes looking for the appropriate channel for a complaint and that was the only thing I could find.

  • Entitlement gone bad. :?

    It's mind blowing that someone is demanding they be given something that was never guaranteed to begin with. I can spend hours in the casino reeeaaallly wanting to win. But if I don't win, I certainly don't expect to get my money back. How is this even logical?
  • 1VolMan wrote:
    Entitlement gone bad. :?

    It's mind blowing that someone is demanding they be given something that was never guaranteed to begin with. I can spend hours in the casino reeeaaallly wanting to win. But if I don't win, I certainly don't expect to get my money back. How is this even logical?

    You can sit on it pal. Every holiday event thus far I've gotten 100% of the content with little to no real money spent, this change was unexpected and comes off as greedy, if you don't see it that way...good for you and your bend over and take it mentality.
  • I have to agree with 1volman. It's mind blowing that so many are getting upset at a game. A free game. It doesn't matter if you spent real money on it, everyone knew the odds going in. I guess I just fail to see the uproar at a free game that everyone knew the odds of winning premium content. Sure, it would be nice to get the content. But sometimes it happens that you don't get everything you want. Even if you spend money.

    And before anyone can mention it, I have spent money on this game. A lot. And if I didn't get all the content, then I just, move on to the next event.

    For me, it's not that people have a complaint with the game, or the way the event was put on, it's that they are acting like petulant little children about it, throwing temper tantrums because they didn't get everything they wanted. If you have a complaint, cool. Voice it in an adult fashion, and move on. No need to "threaten" to quit or bash on the company who brought you the game you have been enjoying.

    Maybe it's just me