Forum Discussion

wildcat2k's avatar
9 years ago

How many donuts for Bank and Barber Shop?

wildcat2k wrote:
Just wondering if anyone knows. I'm at the 800 axes right before it which are 40 but i know the buildings would be significantly more being further in the line.

I was kinda confused with the general store at first. I didn't craft the max amounts to get currency back so I didn't get far in act 1.

Shave and a haircut...two bits
  • You're doing the Act 1 prize track???? Or is 800 pick axes as far as you got? The Bank and Barbershop were Act 1 prizes, you should be able to tell how many donuts they are by checking them in the prizes section - Act 1.
  • It's just how far I got in act 1.

    The axes are 40. So I'd have to pay for those first.
  • I'll say this once, theyre not worth it, really theyre not. Wes Doobner is a skin for Sideshow Bob so also not that worth it.

    I like the fact that we were given a second bank )as i missed the First bank of Springfield form the Superhero event as i hadnt started playing until after the terwilliger event had many regrets)

    However its really not that great, true it may get re-released as premium, however it may also get re-released as freemium. That said the Bank is quite versatile, the barber is a bit awkward in non dirt areas (my opinion of course.)

    It will be quite expensive so id suggest not to do it. if you havent unlocked it by now id suggest not to, the price would probably be in the 100s so youd have to pay 40 Donuts (for the axes) AND the price of the Bank & Barber (so unless you really have the cash to burn or REALLY, REALLY want it probably not a good idea.)
  • Ya that's exactly what I was thinking.

    I'm a purely freemium player. I have 404 donuts I've accumulated over 2 years. I've spent some here and there for a few holiday items I really wanted.

    If it was just the 40 I'd do it cause that's a good deal for 2 buildings but they'll probably come back for a decent price or free as an unlockable.
  • wildcat2k wrote:
    Ya that's exactly what I was thinking.

    I'm a purely freemium player. I have 404 donuts I've accumulated over 2 years. I've spent some here and there for a few holiday items I really wanted.

    If it was just the 40 I'd do it cause that's a good deal for 2 buildings but they'll probably come back for a decent price or free as an unlockable.

    Thats a good idea, back in Xmas 2015 there was a similar discussion for Patches & Violet if it was worth 100+ donuts, that was a harder one as that one had a double payout (two characters in 1 so quite obvious) however since it was still a freemium act prize character it was more of a choice.
    This ones pretty straightforward, just an FYI usually AO will have tips and hints for each act and LPN will usually create a comprehensive guide for each act/Event so its a good read for future reference.