Forum Discussion

steotodag's avatar
11 years ago

How many people playing?

1,742,618......give or take a few

15 Replies

  • VoiceofScully wrote:
    RMVancleav710 wrote:
    2,000,000 I like to keep numbers even!!!

    You can't just manipulate data however you like. This is how empires collapse, nations fall, researchers get published, people get audited, and EA determines when to award community prizes.
  • Anurchy wrote:
    VoiceofScully wrote:
    RMVancleav710 wrote:
    2,000,000 I like to keep numbers even!!!

    You can't just manipulate data however you like. This is how empires collapse, nations fall, researchers get published, and people get audited.

    That escalated quickly..

    I just strongly believe in the sanctity of the data collection process.

    Aennilya gives a much more concrete example as to its importance. EA should have some forecasters/modelers determining appropriate cutoffs for the prizes (among other things). Hopefully they were collecting data on our collective playing habits and effectively use it to have some better results with the next event. The $130 million in net revenue EA reported from Tapped Out does show that they're doing a lot of things right and have a lot of people playing.

    Edit: This article may be of some interest.
  • those numbers are definitely impressive and suggest there is going to be a lot more events to come!!
  • you can see how many people downloaded it but as for how many of them are still active players no one would really know.