brickevand408 wrote:
GTA? No no, give me a real game! Battlefield ! Yesterday was good, last game was 60/2 :mrgreen:
My first acc have a k/d of 2.7 ( lvl colonel 140 maxout) (T.I.A.23)
My uKn acc have a k/d of 5.32 (lvl 90 now) (Xx_uKn_T_I_A_xX
Thats the reason I play TSTO, Battlefield is full concentration, TSTO is for me time out and play only fun.
I've never really gotten into Battlefield, but I've only tried what Microsoft have given us for free. I'm more for Halo, when it comes to FPS. I know I'm in the minority there. :) GTA Online is a lot of fun to me, but it's hard to get the four people needed to go through an entire heist, so we can only do the small things like missions, and it's so hard to play with randoms. They are either rude or won't put on their headset to cooperate on something like a heist.
I agree on TSTO. Great to relax with, and oddly engaging. :)
Edited to correct tons of auto correct fun. :)