Forum Discussion

spiffshine's avatar
13 years ago

I am Chuck Bass

Happy coins!

14 Replies

  • Wait4lt wrote:
    Hahahhaha! Spiff how did you like the finale? My GF was watching it in the background, then I heard her go "OMG!" when she found out who gossip girl was. :shock:

    My husband and I kind of had an idea that it would be DH, since he said at the end of the last episode that "he had a plan all along" so it wasn't a shocker, per se, but I did enjoy the last episode. There was much squealing and awwwwing, like so much 7th grade! I *loved* Chuck Bass in his ridiculous wedding tuxedo. :)

    I'm assuming you guys didn't have audio trouble? Here, up until the last 15 minutes, they screwed up the audio so that only the music and background noises (footsteps, glasses clinking, etc.) was audible! We had to watch it with the captions on!!! I wasn't sure if it was a national feed issue or our local CW. I'm going to just have to watch it again on Hulu today for full effect.
  • Roonil2 wrote:
    I haven't watched GG for quite a few seasons. DH was GG? I remember reading a while back that it was Georgina. Did that turn out to be a hoax?

    Sorry for the spoiler Roonil2! It wasn't really a hoax... basically, DH shut down the GG site after the CB/BW accident. Then GS found/stole the login information and took over for awhile. GS gave it to SVDW who ended up giving it back to the real GG (she didn't know it was DH). In a nutshell.

    sonny1618 wrote:
    LOL, just found a picture of me when I was 18. 8)

    Nice, Sir Sonny! Do you actually *own* all that gear? You should wear it more often, out to the pub and whatnot. Just sayin'. That's what I would do.

    In fact, that is what my friends and I used to do all the time - get dressed up in whatever ridiculous theme we could think of for the night, then go out to "regular places" on a Tuesday night. Good times!

    Absurdity is my favorite brand of humor.
  • Gilby01 wrote:

    Gilby, I don't know how I overlooked your fallen head... that is too funny! :lol:
  • spiffshine wrote:
    My husband and I kind of had an idea that it would be DH, since he said at the end of the last episode that "he had a plan all along" so it wasn't a shocker, per se, but I did enjoy the last episode. There was much squealing and awwwwing, like so much 7th grade! I *loved* Chuck Bass in his ridiculous wedding tuxedo. :)

    I was concerned when it was just you watching. Now I find out you've coaxed your poor husband into watching as well I am even more outraged!