11 years ago
I need broken fences!
jesusisadr734 wrote:
I have enough of everything else right now but am waaaaay short on broken fences. I only have 74 left and need 300 I think to craft the Rigelian Queen. Is there some special trick I'm missing to get more? I know I could buy bronze bags but I don't want to spend my donuts on that. I'm just hoping someone has some clever advice on how to get more. I don't know how I have so few fences. It really makes me angry that I can't craft anything besides dumb stuff now. I've already crafted Hugo and the Spooky House so at least I've got those...man this even is frustrating to me! I missed about 5 or 6 days so I know that hurt me a lot. Grrrrr... the newest South Park episode about freemium gamin
g was so hilariously spot-on!
Luck of the draw. Looks like they don't sell the fences so just try to open lots of bronze bags. Can't remember if they sell bronze bags or not
Edit they do but if you are fremium only, sending your kids on tasks every 8 hrs is your best bet