Forum Discussion

hipmama197190's avatar
11 years ago

If you periodically prune your neighbors...

If someone hasn't logged in for a while and they don't clear their towns, I keep an eye on how long they're gone for and if it's a week or more I will probably delete them, but it depends on the situation.

If it's someone I know from the forum I won't delete them, but if I have someone from the forum wanting to be neighbours I will probably delete whoever logged in the longest time ago or who I know rarely visits me so I can add the forum member.

I'm not as strict when there's not an event going on, but when there is I tend to replace people a lot more quickly! :twisted:
  • At the start of Stonecutters I made sure I had the maximum number of friends. I put a lot of effort into regular tapping as I (possibly misguidedly) thought that if you gave it out you got it paid back

    I reaslised then that the number of taps I received was nowhere near the number of neighbours. I started a list. It was a pain but it became clear. Some people came regularly and tapped 3 times, some came regularly and tapped once and other showed up once a week. Meanwhile they were all receiving 3 taps a day from me. Some days it was really difficult for me to get round everyone but I did my best, thinking it was a two way street.

    I am now more cynical. I am deleting those who mess about. A couple of taps here, a week off, another couple of taps. Some even appear to wait an even amount of time before showing up as if they know that that minimum will get them through.

    Not any more. If you can't show up with regularity (at least 50% of the time) then find friends who feel the same way.

    Funnily enough, no one ever advertises for friends saying that, do they?

    BTW, other than that I don't care about house farms, messy SFs, lower levels, graffiti, etc. Just come and visit regularly and make sure you have plenty for me to tap and I'm happy.
  • I wish there was an easy way to tell people, "I'm away but I'll be back." I've seen a couple of messages spelled out in bushes or other things, but there's one person I haven't seen in a while and I'm worried about her. I met her here in the forums and even PMs have gone unreplied to. (tankgirl, does anyone know what she's up too?)

    Do we have a thread for people to check into?
  • brittannie54 wrote:
    wildminion wrote:
    I tend to go by activity. If there's something to tap when I visit, then all is well. When there's nothing to tap I make a mental note.....

    After a while of getting nothing to tap at a given neighbour, I then check how long it's been since they last logged in. If that's a week or more, then I delete them.

    I think a lot of players do this.

    This is my strategy as well. My device crashes a lot during neighbor visits so no point wasting time going to a neighbor who has nothing to tap.

    This is my strategy as well. I just culled a couple of people who I havn't been able to tap anything on in weeks. I also don't care if you house farm, have a messy SF or are "Under Construction."
  • I prune my friendlist if individuals have not been online for 1 week or 2 weeks.
    And sometimes I remove somebody if their SF is making my game crash(happens mostly with ppl having too much stuff).

    But I don't care how their SF looks like, housefarming, randomly placement of buildings. We have all been there sometime during our Tapped Out evolution.
  • I have different "criteria" during events and non-event times.

    During quiet times I do not keep track of visitors. I visit my neighbors daily and tap. If my neighbor had nothing to tap, I check to see how long it has been since they logged into the game. 7 days or longer and I will delete the neighbor.

    During event times, I will keep track of who has visited my town, especially if I need neighbors to visit to complete the event goals. If a neighbor has not shown up for 3 days, I delete them.

    I have neighbors that have been with me for a long time. I usually give those folks a month of inactivity before deleting. If they let me know they are on vacation in their SF, I will hide them until they come back.

    I don't care if you are a completionist, a house farmer, a messy, OCD or whatever. How you design your town is your business. I enjoy your town and tap!
  • I don't play as often because of work but if someone hasn't logged on in 2 weeks then they are gone.
  • peppers2ndmo wrote:
    hipmama197190 wrote:
    I wish there was an easy way to tell people, "I'm away but I'll be back." I've seen a couple of messages spelled out in bushes or other things, but there's one person I haven't seen in a while and I'm worried about her. I met her here in the forums and even PMs have gone unreplied to. (tankgirl, does anyone know what she's up too?)

    Do we have a thread for people to check into?

    I thought about this, too. If a moderator sees this, would you create a thread (that stays on the main screen) for players who need to be away from the game? It would be more productive than players individually posting threads with their vacation plans, surgeries etc. thank you!

    Does it really matter? Why must you stalk a forum member? Life gets busy.
  • 2 weeks and gone. Just purged a few people today actually.

    A vacation message in game would be a wonderful idea, like pre made from ea and you could just add the date you would return(like a ssb message when you enter the town) pre made from ea cause I would think you would get a lot of * and swear word jokes.
  • shafanator108 wrote:
    2 weeks and gone. Just purged a few people today actually. If anyone needs a neighbor add shafanator108

    I can't post in the friends forum for some reason so thought this would be a good spot :)

    I vacation message in game would be a wonderful idea, like pre made from ea and you could just add the date you would return(like a ssb message when you enter the town) pre made from ea cause I would think you would get a lot of * and swear word jokes.

    Cool idea.
    EA could sell multiple types of house skins or decorations to allow people to easily communicate pre-fab messages in game.

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