Well, this has been infinitely more entertains than actually playing he game! I had no idea anybody would respond to this thread. To clarify a couple of things, the reason I am not playing as normal is that if I see another bunny, I don't know what I might do... And you can't ignore the little suckers, all colourful and hoppy and. ...THERE! It's not the randomness of the prizes that really broke me, it's the lack of baskets, which means that I just didnt manage to accumulate enough eggs.
No, this isn't a hate thread, seen those and just thought that if the posters hated it all so much then they should just stop doing it... I just wanted my neighbours to know why I've stopped visiting them and I wanted to put my decision out there, to consolidate it for myself.
So this morning instead of tapping bunnies with my first waking thoughts, I watched the sun rise which was nice. Tonight, instead of tapping bunnies late into the night, perhaps I'll watch some telly. Just not Watership Down! Lol!
Maybe I'll start a thread called "life after bunnies"!