Forum Discussion

LoosestKent's avatar
12 years ago

Introduce a confirm button

EA installed a doughnut confirm option about a month or so ago

I still feel bad for you tho :?

8 Replies

  • This exists already :)

    click the (i) in the menu and you can select the confirmation of donuts :)
  • Militant wrote:
    The developers really bead to introduce a confirm button for when making premium purchases, I was just looking at the premium items and just happened to buy myself a Funzo. Yep a fricken Funzo. I was saving up my donuts to buy a decent building or character and I got a damn Funzo. All because of a slip if the finger. Has anything like this happened to anyone else.

    Feel bad for me. :(

    Not really, they implemented a "confirm" button with whacking day.

    Click the build icon
    Click the i
    Go to settings or options or whatever it's called
    Click "Yes" for Confirm Donut spend
  • Ialso have a funzo walking round mocking me after I accidentally spent 80 donuts on it!!! Ikeep the confirm option firmly engaged now!
  • I already had the doughnuts so I didn't need to actually buy any, it just used the ones I already had. Like I said I just happened to hit the Funzo while scrolling through the list and it used my doughnuts to purchase it without asking to confirm. I know with building you can cancel the build and you get you doughnuts back but with characters they just get added to your town without any confirmation.
  • The confirm button works for everything but funzio's and characters.
  • Well then why do I currently have a Funzo? I wouldn't have confirmed that if given the option. Like I said I accidentally hit the Funzo next thing the games adding it to my set and the funzo is walking around my town. There was no promt for confirmation.
  • It's not on by default, you have to enable it (and remember to do so after each update/re-install :S - I was nearly caught out today as I'd reinstalled and confirm doughnut spend wasn't on)
  • Why would that not be on by default? That really is disingenuos. I had no idea the option existed. Which is just as useless.

    Thanks for letting me know guys. :)