Forum Discussion

bagndrag420's avatar
12 years ago

iPhone users....

Neverrr! I love my iphone :D
  • I have an iPhone5 and the wife went from a 4 to a S3 and what a pain in the * it is.
  • Myst3r-P wrote:
    Why not have both? Lol. My phone is android an I have ipad and iPod touch lol

    Like to swing both ways do ya newbie :P aka Skyrim MrP :lol: (only joking)

    I love my iPhone and wouldnt change, but to be fair i have never tried an android phone so i may not know what i am missing out on :lol:

    Ive only gone by what Morpheus has told me and he hasnt steered me wrong yet LOL
  • I really dislike the fact that if I want more memory on my iPhone I have to pony up way to much money instead of just a micro sd card and the mere fact that every time u walk into an apple store everyone acts like their $hit don't stink
  • I'm considering it. iPhone is so far behind at this point. Android phones have been doing things for years that iOS is just adding. It's tempting to switch.
  • jasonicus321 wrote:
    I'm considering it. iPhone is so far behind at this point. Android phones have been doing things for years that iOS is just adding. It's tempting to switch.

    I considered this, but I'd prefer to have slightly less features that work reliably vs a marginal few (most of which people don't really take much advantage of) that work less convincingly and are typically glitchy.