Forum Discussion

MaxxSpider's avatar
9 years ago

Is XP Collider Worth it?

That will depend on your multiplier, how much cash you have and whether you have the patience to buy and sell dozens of Rat Trap Trucks or Bloodmobiles.
  • vetteeater wrote:
    I was max level when it started and I level up 4x using $3 mill on blood mobiles. I think it was worth it. I would probably wait until I had 10 mill saved up before I did it again
    Edit- I would only buy one day tho and just go spending crazy. I think it would be dumb to do it for a longer period of time

    So your 12 donuts cost you about $250,000 a piece, and my 21 donuts cost me about $215,000 a piece. About the same.

    And all I did was just buy bloodmobiles until I got the bonut screen, then sell them and repeat. It was really a quick process. I started with $15 million.

    I got the first 24 hrs free of course, but if I had had to pay 5 donuts, I'd still have come out ahead in donuts.

  • The amount of math needed to figure this out is crazy. But as stated you need to be able to gain two levels in one day to profit one donut. So as long as I have my numbers right lets assume 1,000,000 per level. $150,000 and 15,000 XP (without multiplier) per rat trap truck. 5x for active collider 75,000 per truck. That's 14 trucks per level (1,050,000 XP) without other multipliers. Total of $2,100,000 needed for 14 trucks. So the breakdown should go as follows if I have the numbers right:

    If 5x is cumulative:

    other boosts total
    100% -- 12 trucks $1,800,000
    200% -- 10 trucks $1,500,000
    300% -- 9 trucks $1,350,000
    400% -- 8 trucks $1,200,000
    500% -- 7 trucks $1,050,000

    If 5x is multiplicative:

    other boosts total
    100% -- 7 trucks $1,050,000
    200% -- 5 trucks $750,000
    300% -- 4 trucks $600,000
    400% -- 3 trucks $450,000
    500% -- 2.5 trucks $ $375,000
  • well i had the xp collider for 24 hours and didnt even get a third of the way to 3 rip off unless you're a new player who only needs 200xp to upgrade
  • Just a reminder (or new info for people who don't know) - if you're using the collider to constantly level up your bonus and get the extra three donuts, the three donuts will always move to the right hand side of where they last were.

    So for example, if the three donuts are in the box on the left, the next time you hit the bonus they will be in the middle box, then the next time they will be in the right hand box and then they will move back over to the far left, then the middle, then the right, etc etc etc.

    Just saves some $$$ when trying to guess where the bonuts are.