Forum Discussion

wadebear's avatar
7 years ago

Itchy & Scratchy Bot - Character or NPC?

Not about to buy an NPC.
  • "pepsimax1984;c-1835239" wrote:
    @fastshadow2 here is the dancing flashlight bot (it’s correct name) I found a pic from fandom website

    i meant that i hadn’t heard about NPC’s able to go to KL. but now know that none do. thanks

  • bluntcard's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "Castiel19x;c-1835549" wrote:
    "bluntcard;c-1835504" wrote:
    I bought it. It sucks. Ha ha.

    Will you say the same when the Grumple comes back. :joy: :joy:

  • Castiel_Touk's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "LPNintendoITA;c-1835744" wrote:
    "Castiel19x;c-1835549" wrote:
    "bluntcard;c-1835504" wrote:
    I bought it. It sucks. Ha ha.

    Will you say the same when the Grumple comes back. :joy: :joy:

    grumple is not an npc

    I know.
  • "1anhyvaa;c-1836580" wrote:
    It's not easy to introduce a new NPC, and get it right the first time.

    Be easy on them. They had an entire one new item for sale. You can't expect them to focus on it or to even learn from experience. Please be kinder to our overlords.
  • "1anhyvaa;c-1836580" wrote:
    It's not easy to introduce a new NPC, and get it right the first time.

    Originally a character, but was downgraded to NPC CONFIRMED
  • Not the first NPC to appear in the character finder and probably won't be the last lol, I'm sure that they'll release a fix that will tick the hide item box and it'll vanish from the list.