Forum Discussion

darthraven0's avatar
11 years ago

Kinda pathetic I know...

That IS pathetic.
  • No it's not.... Theres been mixed reviews on whether or not to tap houses or vandalize the buildings. Personally I do whatever is available at the time. So if vandalizing the buildings is a big no no then I'd like to know also.

  • darthraven0 wrote:
    I never had "friends" before the Halloween thing so I don't know the etiquette for tapping things (squidports excluded) do you clean vandalism or is like double tapping a ghost house, gardens, house farms. If this has been addressed as I'm sure it has a link in the right direction would be helpful. All I could really find was some people don't tap house farms.

    LOL. You and I were in the same situation. I started a thread earlier today asking the same question, and got some very helpful responses. I think the title of the thread has a phrase something like "I don't have a clue how to play"

    Have a look. Helpful people abound. :)
  • No matter what you tap you get the same amount. good neighbor will tap the buildings with a lot of time on them. This will reset it for the owner. Speeding up his own payout.

    vandalize a building is good but may bring down you reputation in the Conformity meter. Cleaning graffiti in some else town deprives them of the building payout.

    What has change is tap on the Squidport title now the owner gets an extra; you get a dose of XP (When first started the tile was lost).

    Let's not forget Krustyland; you can tap for ticket. If you don't have a Krustyland yet you get 3 tickets per tap; 4 if you have one.
  • Ditsy you and your husband are only ones left for me today. Do you have tile coming up?
  • I can speed it up... I think it's less than 24hrs now. It's fine, tap will be ready tomorrow. My husband tapped his last tile ( :P ) I tried to explain it but oh well.

  • It's not pathetic. There were half a dozen threads today on this same topic, so you know it's not just you.

    Ditsy6 wrote:
    Theres been mixed reviews on whether or not to tap houses or vandalize the buildings. Personally I do whatever is available at the time. So if vandalizing the buildings is a big no no then I'd like to know also.

    I think there are people who are annoyed by it, on some kind of personal level, but I honestly can't fathom why it would be a big no-no.

    #1: It's the only way to get any sort of payout directly from those buildings. Buildings that don't pay out but can be vandalized should be vandalized for this reason. (BTW, all buildings that can be vandalized do not pay out)

    #2: Cleaning graffiti up is a good way to raise your Righteousness rating on the conform-o-meter. And until you're high enough level to get the training wall decoration, it's pretty much the only way to do so, other than catching Sideshow Bob in your town. But Bob is random, and taps from friends are not. Before I could buy training walls, I literally lost all my righteousness stars every time I leveled up (I don't know why, some random glitch) and it was very frustrating to me to have people visit and not give me any graffiti to clean. I always had to ask someone I knew to please go and vandalize my town. For this reason, I always make it a point to go after the spray cans, because I don't know who might be needing it. And even if you don't necessarily need it for Righteousness, there's still point #1 with the money and xp. I mean, I know it's not a lot, but it's something.

    #3: It cannot mess up anyone's collection schedule. It's not always just house farms that are going to be on a schedule. There are some things on the edge of my town I know to go collect because something else is ready to go. Pretty much all of my same-time buildings are synced. One of the things I liked most about halloween was that this was rarely affected. Now, I realize that not everyone is going to be as satisfied by same-time collections as me, but I also doubt I'm the only one.

    #4: You can always do it. Even if I've just tapped every building in my town, you can come in and help me out by vandalizing buildings.
    (When I badly needed graffiti, I would just keep my tablet open, making sure I had very few things to tap on that weren't graffiti. It drove me up the wall when someone would tap on the Simpson house instead!)

    I'd like a couple more buildings to vandalize. Having a total of four seems odd, since friends get three actions in a town. There should be at least six. (I wish the cooling tower could be vandalized, personally. The power plant is another building that only pays off if someone is doing a job there.)