Forum Discussion

pigsick57's avatar
4 years ago

Krustyland ticket glitch?

Has anyone else had the same problem, or have I just got a glitch?
I don't seem to have the option to change my krustyland tickets into game money anymore. I have well over a million tickets, and don't really need anything to buy with them.

4 Replies

  • Can't remember the exact number but once you reach a certain amount of game cash the option to exchange Krustyland tickets for cash disappears from the game.
  • OK, that makes sense. I have over 3 billion in cash, and the only use for it is to buy rat trap trucks to get donuts.
  • 3 billion is the turning point, I tested one day. As soon as I went over, the exchange option was gone.
  • I really think it's about time that EA gave us something to do with all the cash. I'm sure players have lots of suggestions that they would like to see in the game.