Forum Discussion

LPNintendoITA's avatar
6 years ago

Krusty's Last Gasp Online: Changes

September 11th Update (4.39.5; Krusty's Last Gasp Online)

  • The app icon and the splash screen were changed back to normal.

  • Here are some things that haven't changed with the update.
    * Item limit still at 13000.
    * Consistent Bart Screens and crashing issues still present.
    * Sound effect bug on loading screen still present.
    * Land tokens are still only available through daily challenges and Golden Goose Realty.
    * Guts of War Statue dimensions are still the same regardless of what direction its facing.
    * Some random wording and punctuation needs correcting in dialogue or quests from the past.
    * Canadian Flanders and Baby Marge still don't have a solo 24 hour task and Baby Lisa doesn't have a solo 1 hour task.
    * Krusty's task at the Last Gasp Stage isn't visual or animated.
    * Moe's Express Lemonade still doesn't have a menu to send the Simpsons Babies there (like Moe's Express does with Moe & the Barflies.
    * Lenny and Carl don't have a task at Moe's Express Lemonade (bonus if they have a visual to become baby versions of themselves like Barney, Homer and Moe when they go here and when they're done Lenny and Carl go back to their adult selves).
    * Another thing(s) that hasn't changed but should be.

    Edit: added some more things that should be changed.