Forum Discussion

vic147's avatar
12 years ago

Legs and Louie joint task still glitched! for me and other forum members. It was one of the first things that I noticed last night.

13 Replies

  • I have bought water, decorations and moved things around. Both Legs/Louie & Burns/Smithers tasks still running. On iOS 5.
  • Land0fComedy wrote:
    Burns/Smither and Legs/Louie tasks work fine I tried everything and nothing interrupts them. Maybe this is an Anroid issue because I use iPhone 5 and NONE issues, maybe Someone can verify if its just Andriod users with this issue or its a random selection of users which is odd.

    Nope...I'm on Android and haven't had one dual task stop due to anything other than completion :)
  • I'm out and about all day...I arrive home, collect from my town, then put everyone on one-hour tasks. After doing a small amount of tweaking, Legs comes walking across my screen! I actually said "What the f***?" out loud. Now, after thinking through what I did and some testing, I can say that road building still causes the glitch. Whether there are other things that trigger it as well, I don't know, but I'm certain that building roads will kill the task.
