Forum Discussion

Goalpoacher10's avatar
Rising Novice
4 months ago

Let's go out with a bang!

We are all very sad the game is coming to an end, some of us have played since the beginning and created huge cities. It would be brilliant if they had a change of heart but I doubt that will happen. 

As the game is coming to a conclusion, are we still going to have the Christmas themes such as snow etc? I seen today more content will be released weekly from previous missions etc but it would also be good to be able to purchase more land and let everyone enjoy the last 4 months designing a huge world with every building etc.

4 Replies

  • Personally, the 940 pieces of land they just gave us is all I need to be able to put pretty well everything out.

    I doubt we will get snow etc as that requires a store update to get all the seasonal graphics, and the game leaves the store end of October, so any changes requiring those type of updates won't be possible

  • heyababy47428's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 months ago

    I believe that all the land potentially available has been unlocked.

    As for if events will continue until the bitter end all I can say is "I hope so".

    Theoretically the events are designed and implemented a year or more in advance. So watching to see if events continue will give us a clue as to how long they've been planning to end the game.🐳

  • Theyhave already said that Taps is the last event.  There will not be more.

  • Goalpoacher10's avatar
    Rising Novice
    4 months ago

    Yes I think they are releasing land tiles 2 per day so far. 

    They have been loading up buildings to purchase in waves but need the land to place stuff. 

    Probably been planned a while as it doesn't generate a lot of income and costly to them. Subscriptions should be in place say £5 per month with new building and missions etc and this would pay for the game. Loads are willing to pay it. 

    I'm only level 675 i think and a lot of effort and purchases over the years and for it to end is quite bad as they have taken the money and basically running. Very unfair