Forum Discussion

murzynek900's avatar
10 years ago

Level 51, 52 etc.

Only EA.
  • They usually release one level a month but I think they skipped February. My guess 51 will come in April and 52 in May.
  • KillaSqirl wrote:
    They usually release one level a month but I think they skipped February. My guess 51 will come in April and 52 in May.

    yea i believe they id since 49 was released at end of january and 50 released during the superheroes event 51 i agree may come in april and 52 i think will be after the season finale tie in if they do in
  • No one knows for sure but I think level 51 will come out on Tuesday when the Easter mini event ends. Then I think the following week we will have a tie in or a Gil deal, and finally a event starting the 28th. I know I have some bold predictions and I can easily be wrong but I think this is whats going to happen.

    EDIT- Maybe the event will start April 30th because that when the new mystery box leaves.