Forum Discussion

nthusiast's avatar
11 years ago

More blue baskets, way too late!

Lucky you. I've only found two baskets since getting the Faberge egg.
  • wildminion wrote:
    Got 4 baskets today - weird but true. 3 pink (common) and 1 blue.

    Not likely to get them filled - I'm the wrong end of the alphabet for that.
    Ironically I have 47 fences-lol!

    Stinky, stinky event. Suckiest event to ever * suck!!!
    wildminion, if you have a spot, add me. Pink is my common color so I'm trying to get rid of them.
    I have the opposite problem, I'm getting lots of blue baskets (my uncommon color) all of a sudden. If anyone wants to get rid of blue eggs I have about 3 spots open... Feel free to fill my baskets.
  • Me too - I have received 6 baskets since yesterday. Something must have changed but it's a little too late for most.
  • I've been getting a lot of baskets these last 2 days. If they had dropped at this rate since the beginning, this event wouldn't have been as horrible.

    I have about 45 neighbors. I went to change my pink eggs for blue and almost none of my neighbors have baskets. I'm guessing the Faberge egg dried them out.
  • Glad to hear people are still getting baskets. I was getting 1-2 a day until two days ago but it was like the leaky faucet was fixed. Not a single one dropped. So the event is over for me, won't get enough for a final gold chance before it ends.

    Best of luck on your last minute spins!