Forum Discussion

benjnbail1914's avatar
8 years ago

Mrs burnes

I'm just watching the episode 'homer the smithers' and I'd like it if they added Mrs burnes as a friend prize

4 Replies

  • Talks to her on the phone, a younger version is seen in the Springfield bowl episode.
    Just to clarify we are talking about his mother right?
  • Old lady Burns, yep I remember seeing her. In an older episode I think.

    In fact all the Burns characters should be in the game. Even child Burns as a character, with the lollypop, I think its from the Bobo Episode.
  • and she has to be voiced....

    "that improvident lackwit! Always too busy stridin' about his atom mill to call his own mother. I'll give him what-fors 'til he cries brassafrax."