Forum Discussion

matulaboola's avatar
10 years ago

Neighboors with Zero Pies

I have people still on issue 1. Doesn't bother me, they are still daily players, just nkt several times a day like me. I always have something to tap and they visit me. They just need to get the Krusty skin to kick off issue2
  • Oh, that makes sense. Thanks velinadelinis . I hope they catch up soon. I can't imagine it is that difficult. I work full time and I was able to do three bonuses first chapter.
  • There are people who aren't able to play as often as us but who still try to contribute and visit. As long as they are helping you out by having cleared buildings to tap you shouldn't mind that they are so far behind.

    If in doubt, check when they last played. If they haven't played in a couple of days then maybe you should consider removing them but otherwise don't sweat their slow progress...
  • ottobusdude wrote:
    I'm tapping twice daily, but still a few carbons away from Clownface, but I don't want loads of neighbours just my close trusty few :? And I don't want to be adding neighbours and then deleting them when they finish this event :evil:
    My view, if I don't get the event stuff, whatever :!:

    Not tryin to harsh you too much, but that sounds a tad bit paranoid.

    I've been playing for 2 years and out of the 100 neighbors currently in my list, no more than 4 or 5 of them have been my neighbors since the beginning. I got 90% of my neighbors by checking the "add me" threads on this forum where people post things like "add me" indicating the want to be added as a neighbor. By complete strangers. The vast majority of players are people like me who simply want to fill out the neighbor rolls during events to enable us to get all the goodies. They don't know me, I don't know them, there's no hard feelings if I unfriend them or they unfriend me at the end of an event. Nobody really cares that much about it.

    It's nice to have neighbors who visit one's Springfield regularly but there's always a good percentage of neighbors who don't hit ya up every day, and an actual majority who completely stop visiting between events. Again, I don't have any negative emotions about removing them from my neighbor list as I have no emotional investment in the first place. Aside from maybe having a handful of close personal friends playing, I can't imagine why anybody would have any emotional investment in their Tapped Out neighbors.

    I guess the question you should ask yourself is, Why are you playing? It can't be for the social aspect since there is no actual interaction with other players, only brief views of their towns & characters. I play to collect as much Simpsonian goodness as I can possibly acquire as it makes me giddy with pleasure to have as much of the characters and buildings that I can get. To that end, I need neighbors during events so I can acquire stuff. They help me, I help them. But there's no personal connection, no emotional investment.

    And last but not least ... you don't *have to* unfriend them after the event. You could choose to leave them in your neighbor list. Visit them periodically. Or don't. It doesn't matter much either way, and really shouldn't have much impact on your overall enjoyment of the game.

  • They could be dieting?
  • I get that all my friends can't grind like I do, but what I find weird is the people who have gotten enough to finish the first part but still have zero pies. It always makes me so sad when people disappear during events, especially at the beginning when it's still fun.
  • I have 7 neighbours who have no pies, but they are still tapping and I can collect pies from their SF. So it doesn't matter to me, they playe how they play :D