Forum Discussion

dafyddawright's avatar
10 years ago

New Monorail Stations?

I seriously doubt it. Maybe they will bring the krustyburger station back again at some point for donuts.

And yes, the monorail is pointless but a fun addition to the game.

5 Replies

  • I would really dig having different themed stations (Christmas, Frink/Tech, Squidport), but I really doubt we'll see them.
  • I created my own mini stations. I have one at the mall, at the employment office, and at the Monsarno campus. The train doesn't stop of course, but i think they look good. So i have 5 on the main loop, and #6 is the mall-o-rail in SH waiting for the spur to be completed if they ever let us build monorail through the mountains.

    Here's some examples:

    Haha, just noticed this: do you think RadioactiveMan can hear evil doers from beyond the grave??
  • I think for the amount of land currently released, 3-4 is a great number of stations. Any more and I think they would be too overpopulated.
  • I think 4 is quite enough given their size.

    I wish we could move them to Krustyland. What's a theme park without a people mover of some sort?

    I like the idea of skins for them. At least the plain original one. You could make them fit in more to the area where they're located. Sniff, sniff... Is that donuts I smell baking?
  • If they did I think they would be in the millions like the other crazy buildings. I think it would be neat if they did a second event as an alternative and have more of the first station be prizes from the event. This would allow new players and others who missed the event to be able to get a station and what not too. Idea could be kicked around on how that second event would go and whatnot.