Forum Discussion

frogger53's avatar
10 years ago

Monorail Stations

They're alright now that I've found out where to put them in a way that I like but they don't always fit in which annoys me! :evil:
  • The stairs look best out front or near the back:

  • llovany wrote:
    The stairs look best out front or near the back:

    that looks really good
  • I think I'm going to use the extra parts to make some small substations at various points along the track. (Someone else is doing this too, but I did think of it on my own...)
  • What annoys me more is the arbitrary railings on the platform. Some have on one or two sides, some have none!!
    Would be better if all edges had them automatically, or if there were a railings "edge" piece or decoration.
  • if i had more track pieces i could make mini stations.

    one of my neighbors has a ton of track pieces.... i was hoping we finally can craft track pieces but me thinks this neighbor is cheating. :cry:
  • One of my neighbors used the Monorail Pieces to create something that looks just like another Station. :shock: