Forum Discussion

Deadshot_DCU's avatar
11 years ago

Now that we have Truckasaurus, we need Captain Lance Murdock!

Darn right! The gorge should also include Homer trying to jump and Homer falling down continuously!

Murdock needs s staying in the hospital task as well as signing autographs task- visual, with him holding the pen in his mouth :lol:

3 Replies

  • Captain Lance Murdock

    1hr - Practice stunt jumps (visual task with Ramp)
    4hrs - Perform his routine (Springfield Speedway)
    8hrs - Make the jump at the Gorge (Springfield Gorge)
    12hrs - Escape Truckasaurus (joint dual outside task)
    24hrs - Sign autographs at the Hospital
  • Top of my wish list. I bought a boatload this weekend, and I'm determined to stretch it out. That means I'll have to leave a few hundred donuts untouched going forward for Lance and the Gorge.
  • barryriddl474's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    11 years ago
    cptnlancemurdock wrote:
    when he's not in action he's in traction


    Would love to see this!